Raúl Sangonzalo

Video Game Composer and Developer

Other Works

I’m also a Software Developer. In the past few years, I’ve been working with different clients developing Android and Desktop apps, GIS software and APIs. At the moment, I’m working on different grounds, such as game development.

Shanshui Pixel Scenes

Inspired by Mark Ferrari and his works on Living Worlds, I teamed up with Paloma Chen (writer, poet) and four pixel artists to develop our own backgrounds & poetry app. Now available at Google Play!

Mockup of some scenes within the app

Islands of Argenta

As a spiritual sister to our previous project, Aurumek and I worked together to bring his world alive. Available for Android users at Google Play!

Musician Suite

Little piece of software developed long ago to organize projects and record sounds/music on the fly. Link to the repository: https://github.com/raulsangonzalo/MusicianSuite

Pulse Of Bloom

My own game!